Midday – Day 3

Got behind on these so I’ll keep them short.

Snacks included an apple and a whole bunch of nuts, as per usual. I’m wondering if I’m eating too many nuts, actually. I’m going to have to look up the guidelines. Whatever I’m doing seems to be working, so I’m not too worried.

Lunch was a spinach and carrot salad. Organic spinach and carrots from my own garden. How cool is that? Also topped with hard-boiled, cage free, Omega-3 eggs and some Bragg dressing. It was pretty good, definitely worth keeping in the inventory. I’m thinking that I will want to buy or build a few other types of dressing, though, as I’m going to be eating a lot of salads and raw veggies on this diet. Variety is the spice of compliance, as they say.

That’s it for now. Thanks for reading!

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